In Bed With Boys & Bunting - Episode 5

Hello Lovelies!
We can't believe it's been almost 5 (!!) months since we last uploaded a VLOG!
Looking back though, we've been so incredibly busy with so many things!
From packing up our old house, moving to another city, going on a long holiday, moving more stuff, Dennis visiting his family in Spain, Matt rehearsing full time, etc... it's no wonder we've had very little time for our favourite hobby: crochet, crafting and working on Boys & Bunting.
Thank you guys so much for sticking around and supporting us, even though we couldn't give you as much attention over the last couple of months as we've wanted to!
Anyways, enough excuses! Grab yourself a big mug of tea/coffee/whisky and come crawl into bed with us:

Some Links and Info from Episode 5

In the vlog we mention the Hexagon Blanket that Dennis started working on a life time ago.
We thought Dennis started in 2012, but after a little investigating on Ravelry, it turns out he started working on this blanket way back in 2010!!! That's at least 6 years in which this blanket has received zero love. Zero! It's an absolute shame since it's such a beauty! It's been sitting in a bag moving from Hamburg to Stuttgart, and from Stuttgart to Oberhausen without ever seeing the light of day! Never fear though...we are going to get it finished!
Here's a picture of the first couple of rows, taken in 2010 and of it hanging unfinished, but perfectly at home in our guest bedroom.

We can't give you guys much information about the yarn, other than that we got it from the Hamburg Wollfabrik, and that is was wound up in a custom thickness for us. It's too long ago to remember the specific details about what kind of yarn it was, but from what I remember it's Merino wool.

The second thing we mention is the "doorstop" Dennis made! Say hello to Chicken Licken!

Using some fabric scraps, this project came to life in no time at all! Like we mentioned in our video, we have a CRAFT ROOM now! This means the sewing machine is finally not stashed away in the cellar anymore, but on our crafting table, which means we are using it much more often!
The tutorial for this cute and functional little lady, can be found on youtube HERE

Last but definitely not least, we show you the latest project Matt's been working on over the last week. Ever since he made "Tina the Lion" he's been obsessed with these Animal Heads. Next one on the list is the Zebra head, and the Stag head is already in the planning!

If you want to make your own crocheted animal heads, make sure to get the book: Animal Heads: Trophy Heads to Crochet by Vanessa Mooncie! The way we talk about this book might almost sound like we're sponsored, but we can assure you, it purely comes from a love and respect for how well these patterns are written and created! The shaping is so cleverly done! Even if you're an experienced crocheter, you'll still learn a lot from making these patterns!!!

We hope that you enjoyed our fifth instalment of "In Bed with Boys and Bunting"! If you have questions that you would like to see featured in future episodes then simply send us a quick note.
Also if you like what you're seeing in our Youtube videos, don't forget to subscribe. This way you'll be notified when we next upload a vlog episode or tutorial.

Unitl next time...

1 comment

  1. glad to see you again... and I love this book, I would like to crochet the ram... it's for this winter... I promess ;-)
    Have a good day
