Today we're featuring our very first Book Review! It's quite exciting as it's something we've never done before! We were contacted by the publishers of this book a while back, asking if we were interested in reviewing this book and we thought it would be a great idea!
We LOVE crochet books as they are a great inspiration to us! There will always be some patterns in there that trigger your desire to crochet something! New yarns to discover, new stitch patterns, you name it!
Now just because we were sent this book, doesn't mean we were paid to say certain things about it! We wouldn't feel right about saying things we don't fully stand behind.
The book we're reviewing is "Learn to Crochet, Love to Crochet" by Anna Wilkinson. To see the full review of this book, watch the video below!
The book is full of beautiful photos teaching you how to crochet step by step. It starts with the basics like how to hold your hook, making a slip knot and then moves on to actually making your first crochet stitches!
Once you've got the hang of all the basic stitches, you move on to the crochet patterns in the book! Starting with really simple patterns, it keeps you motivated and excited enough to keep going! The very first pattern it features, are some basic wrist warmers. Since I was reviewing the book, I decided to use this pattern as part of the review! Were they simple enough to start off with? They are crocheted flat, and seamed together at the very end. They were really simple to make, but with enough little challenges to keep it interesting! Keeping count of your rows, some increases, some decreases, a perfect first project!
The book continues with some lovely patterns! Bags, Hats, Sweaters, Cardigans, an Intarsia Scarf, all very beautiful! The designs have a lovely vintage vibe to them, and the colours she uses are gorgeous! A big part of making the patterns come alive, is the beautiful photography in this book, have a look at the following pictures:
Aren't those photographs just fabulous? All in all it was a great experience going through this book!
+ 2 in 1: Learning how to crochet, and patterns!
+ Clear instructions
+ Beautiful Photography
+ Very diverse patterns
+ Inspires to crochet
- Using normal yarn vs t-shirt yarn might have been a better choice for the pictures in the 'learn how to crochet' part of the book. The yarn curls in on itself and it makes it look like a double strand. No biggie though!
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