In Bed With Boys & Bunting: Episode 3 + GIVEAWAY!

Hello Lovelies!
We do hope you are all having a splendid week?
After a slightly longer break than anticipated we're back and ready to jump into bed with you with our 3rd instalment of "In Bed With Boys & Bunting!!"

We have tons to natter about, so go pop the kettle on, grab yourself a packet of Jammy Dodgers, a blanket and come nestle up in bed, as we talk your ear off for the next 40 minutes or so...

Some Links and Info from Episode 3

Candy Clock Homespun Feature

We were very proud at the end of last week to receive a copy of "Homespun Magazine", which we were lucky enough to have our work featured in.

The magazine from September of last year features all sorts of food inspired crafty projects. The magazine really is a feast for the eyes and our crocheted candy clock fits in nicely with all of the other wonderful creations.

All of the candy from our featured "Candy Clock" can be found here on our pattern page, so you can also try giving your own candy clock a whirl!

Yarn Shade Cards

When It comes to buying yarn we love to know exactly what we are getting.
Purchasing online is convenient, but means that you can't always guarantee that the colours and texture are going to be what you had expected.
As different types of yarn seems to be pretty limited here in Stuttgart, we have purchased these rather handy shade cards. They are great for being able to play around with colour and a sure guarantee that the yarn we order online will be exactly what we're expecting. At the moment we have two shade cards:




On my trip back to London, I definitely went a little wild spending my paycheck.
I don't feel too guilty though, as I could be wasting my money on a lot worse than books.

I loved spending my time browsing through all of the books in the gigantic Waterstones store, just off of Picadilly Circus. Such a treat!

Here's what I ended up buying:


I also Picked up "Knitters Knowledge" by Debbie Bliss. A gorgeous encyclopedia of everything a knitter could need.

Knitters knowledge along with the very user friendly "Knitty Gritty" are our recommendations for harmonious knit learning. These two books will give you everything you need to know, to get started with your knitting.


As for the giveaway...
We are giving one of our lucky readers the chance of receiving this rather magnificent Boys & Bunting goody bag!

Inside the bag you'll find everything to keep those of you, "hooky at heart", perfectly content!
we've got:

  • A fabulous set of crochet hooks, the most comfortable we've used in a while!
  • A collection of lovely Rico Creative Cotton, 10 shades in total
  • A handmade Boys & Bunting Instagram Pin Cushion
  • 2 Boys & Bunting Handmade Soaps
  • Knit pro crochet hook, the ideal size to use with your Creative Cotton
  • Crochet Stitch Encyclopedia
  • All of the above in a handy (and pretty cool) project/stash bag, what more could you want?!!

How to win all of this awesome stuff?

We are doing it the "Old Fashioned Way" with a good ol' raffle...
If you would like to be in with a chance of winning this fantabulous Boys & Bunting goody bag, simply:

We'll do the rest!!
We will be pulling the name of one lucky winner out of the hat on Sunday 17th April!! Anyone in any country can participate, as we'll ship the project anywhere! We can't wait to see who wins!!

Good Luck to you all!!

We hope that you enjoyed our second instalment of "In Bed with Boys and Bunting"?! If you have questions that you would like to see featured in future episodes then simply send us a quick note.
Also if you like what you're seeing in our Youtube videos, don't forget to subscribe. This way you'll be notified when we next upload a vlog episode or tutorial.

Unitl next time...


  1. What I fun giveaway! You blog is alway sso cheerful and so much fun to read!
    Audrée from Gatineau (Québec, Canada)

  2. Great giveaway and love your blog, I'm Kerrie from Napier, New Zealand

  3. Love your podcast. Been following your blog for years and am glad to put faces to the posts! Keep up the great work

  4. Hi I'm Katalin L from the Budapest, Hungary. I follow you on Facebook and your blog. Great giveaway!

  5. Hi guys! Love the new blog. I followed the old one for years on Bloglovin and now this one. I'm Heidi, I live in Ireland now, but am originally from Holland! Groetjes!

  6. Hi! I'm Svanhild from Norway. I follow your blog, instagram and FB :) Love your vlogs <3 and the giveaway is absolutely wonderful <3 :)

  7. This is a fantastic giveaway! I am so glad I follow your blog!
    I'm Natasha from Athens, Greece

  8. Hello, I am Sue from Poole in England. I love reading about your creations and wish I was half as talented as you two. I am also looking forward to hearing more about your sweet little dog :-)

    You are very generous with your giveaway.

  9. Hi I'm Audrey from Glasgow (Scotland) & I follow your blog. I love that you & Dennis are now designing/working together. My partner Sarah laughs as I oooh & aahh over the items & posts in the blog hehehe.
    Love to you both Xx

  10. oooooh thank you Matt & Dennis ! ! ! your giveaway is amazing ! ! !I wish I could be lucky^^...I can dream!!!! many thanks to you, everything is so cute! I am fond of crochet♥♥♥ ! ! ! also the soap!!! it's so beautiful♥♥♥ ! ! ! thank you and bisous from France ! ! !

  11. Wow, a soap giveaway! Kidding, I am a knitter so this goodie bag looks yummy. Ciao, Fleur ( the Netherlands)

  12. Ooooopsy, subscribed with my other email address... but how many subscribers with this flowery name will there be (not much, I hope - sorry for the inconvenience).

    Happy knitting all! Ciao, Fleur

  13. Love your videos Matt and Dennis. You are both so talented and it's fab that you are sharing your talent with everyone. A real inspiration. Mandy, Coventry. x

  14. What a great giveaway. I love the blog. I follow other crochet blogs. I have mastered the basic stitch but now that I am on 6 weeks sick leave I hope to actually expand my skill. Carol (Dublin, Ireland)

  15. I have been following your blog since the beginning of According to Matt. You are both so inspiring! I would LOVE to win your giveaway. I am Linda from Arkansas, USA.

  16. Love your work boys, I too have started to teach myself to knit, I am finding the Continental style suits my hooky fingers, Louise, Perth, Western Australia

  17. Hi Matt and Dennis, How wonderful to see that your followers are from all over the world. I love your blogs and website, and it is great to see you working as a team now! Iris from Boskoop (The Netherlands)

  18. Beautifully photographed, exquisite designs, fabulous colourwork and an amazing giveaway! What more could a girl want from an inspirational blog? Oh pictures of puppies - but you do that too lol! Thank you for brightening up my day! x Jules from Stockport

  19. I'm Kirsty from Nottingham!

    Your candy clock is fantastic, I might just have to have a go! :)

  20. Hi Matt and Dennis, I've had you bookmarked since "According to Matt" and I keep popping back for a look. Love the new site and I've just started following your blog.
    Rachel (Lichfield UK)

  21. Hi Guys, I just have to enter for a chance to get my hands on your gorgeous homemade soap! Gemma from Chelmsford, Essex.

  22. Hello from North Carolina, USA!!!! Love your blog & vlog! The giveaway looks amazing!!!!

    Hugs! Miss M

  23. Hi,
    I'm Carmen from Potsdam in Germany.
    I really admire your creativity - keep it up!


  24. Hi, I'd love to be in with a chance to win! Thank you for all your fantastic posts and videos, I am finally able to crochet and am very excited! xx

  25. Hi! I love your blog and follow it through email. Great giveaway, would love to win! Greetings from The Hague, Netherlands.

  26. Hi! I love your blog and follow it through email. Great giveaway, would love to win! Greetings from The Hague, Netherlands.

  27. Great Vlog as always. It always cheers up my day to watch your videos and go on your blog and get inspired by the colourful hook action. Greetings from Stuttgart. Kat

  28. Hello Matt and Dennis! I've been following you since your first episode. Matt, I love seeing your posts in crochcet addicts with you working on projects during breaks (still in costume) rock!! Tammi Baker from Vidor, Texas USA.

  29. Hi Matt and Dennis, I'm another follower of 'According to Matt' who has crossed over to Boys & Bunting. I love your tutorial videos, they are so clear and easy to follow and have been a great help. Love Gill, Bideford, UK

  30. Hi, love your vlogs, so fun and full of gorgeous makes! Great giveaway, thank you for the chance :) I'm Renata living in lovely Somerset.
    Hope you're having great holidays ;) x

  31. Hi Guys, loved this vlog as in the other two, so bright and cheerful! I also love going to Loop in London but have definitely found that for my budget it's best to go with one or two projects already planned so that I can indulge just in the yarn for those! The giveaway looks fun, I really need to increase my cotton stash so that would be a fantastic prize to win! Love from Claire in Sussex

  32. Kristina from Maryland, USA here to say I love your blog and videos!!

  33. I am Dani and I am from Gera in the east of Germany. I like to start I think it would be a good set for a start, wouldn't it?

  34. I follow you on Instagram and Facebook, I'm Kate from NSW Australia
