Did You Win Our GIVEAWAY?!

Hello Lovelies!!!

We do hope you have all had a lovely week?
We've had a nice week away spent in Lindau, on the Bodensee. A jolly nice break from the normal rut of life.
What better way to end our lovely week than to be sharing the results of our GIVEAWAY with you all.

We had over 150 of you enter the "giveaway" and could not believe that people from every nook and cranny of the planet are reading our blog. It's really rather lovely to know that we are connecting with people all over the world!!

So as for the giveaway, we had a rather nice selection of craft related goodies up for grabs:

  • A fabulous set of crochet hooks, the most comfortable we've used in a while!
  • A collection of lovely Rico Creative Cotton, 10 shades in total
  • A handmade Boys & Bunting Instagram Pin Cushion
  • 2 Boys & Bunting Handmade Soaps
  • Knit pro crochet hook, the ideal size to use with the Creative Cotton
  • Crochet Stitch Encyclopedia
  • A handy (and pretty cool) project/stash bag

So all you had to do to be in with a chance of winning these awesome prizes was sign up to either our blog or one of our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or the Blog) , making sure to leave your name and location.
Once that was all done we entered your details into our raffle.

Here's all of the names in our raffle pot, with one lucky winner waiting to be picked!

In true Boys & Bunting style, we did the raffle on the bed, making sure to film us picking the winner!
To find out if you're the lucky winner, watch the video below as we choose our winner:

Congratulations to the winner!!
We hope that you enjoy your new gifts and that each and every one of you enjoyed entering this fun giveaway!
I'm sure we will have another giveaway in the future, so watch this space!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. I loved the video of the give-away draw - you had me on the edge of my seat with that one!- She's one lucky girl! Thanks for the fun!
    Jules from Stockport

  2. Not jealous at all....she says slowly turning a shade of green from one of the new shade cards! Congratulations to Julie, hope she enjoys it. Great fun with the draw...lovely way to do it! Looking forward to hearing about your holiday experience x

  3. That was fun! Congratulations, Jula! Question - where can we purchase the stash bag? I love that bag!

  4. I must confess, I am the super lucky person! Anyway, I was thinking the same, Terry, I thought: "Surely I'm not going to win but I'll definitely buy the bag".

  5. I love your baby blanket - I have some variegated yarn and I think that stitch pattern will do nicely for it ! thank you!
