In Bed With Boys & Bunting: Episode 1

Hello Lovelies!
After having a play around with the video camera in the bedroom yesterday (nothing kinky, we swear!), we are very excited to be sharing with you all our first vlog (video blog post)!

This is something that we've had in mind for a little while now...
We wanted to create a video series that would give you the chance to get to know us better.
It's the perfect opportunity for us to share our projects with you, have a little fun and most importantly, it's a chance for you to get to know us on a slightly more personal level.

So why not grab yourself a nice hot mug of tea (or a glass of wine, if you're anything like Dennis), a packet of chocolate biscuits and come join us in bed for our first episode of "In Bed With Boys & Bunting"!!

Some Links and Info from Episode 1

Here's a close up of the rather charming doodle that is printed on our Wolle Rödel Tote bag. We love not only the fact that he's a "man crafter", but also the way that he's wearing his scarf as he knits it!

The Oslo yarn that we also purchased from Wolle Rödel. We have some lovely bold shades and can't wait to get working on a project!

Poppy sporting her rather dashing bow tie! We actually bought this long before we even had Poppy. We were so excited to be getting a dog that we just had to buy a little gift whilst we awaited her arrival. Poppy is now 9 months old and has only just grown into the bow tie. She looks like she's ready to party!!!

The patterns for these cute Lalylala dolls can be found here.
These are such fun makes and so well designed. Between the two of us we've made five of these dolls so far and I'm sure many more are still to come. We simply LOVE them!!!

The two books that we spoke about in our vlog episode:

In our vlog we also mentioned the guy that taught Dennis to crochet: Mikey from The Crochet Crowd. Mikey has a big community out there and tons of crochet videos and tutorials!

Well I hoped you enjoyed joining us in bed and having a cosy little chit chat!!
If you guys have any questions or topics that you would like us to cover in future vlog episodes then please leave us a comment and we will be very happy to oblige!
Also if you like what you're seeing in our Youtube videos, don't forget to subscribe. This way you'll be notified when we next upload a vlog episode or tutorial.

Unitl next time...


  1. (Sorry, me again!) This was absolutely delightful, guys! I really enjoyed myself (wow that 40 minutes went quickly!); you were both so engaging and I loved it from the impressive bits (that lion head!!!) to the cute (definitely Poppy) to the nostalgic (I remember that star cut out picture craft on the bedside table from According to Matt and recently thought about making a similar one myself) to the deep (definitely need to share my projects more with friends and not just online) to the quirky (:P Matt's socks). I could go on and on but a question from me - do you ever have crafter's block (like writer's block) and how/where do you find inspiration to overcome it? :) Thommy.

    1. Yeah, it's you again!!!
      Gosh your very astute, aren't you :-)
      This is why we're really so excited to be making these little videos, so that people can see another dimension to us, to see what we are really like (that means all the way down to the quirky socks that my mum bought me for Christmas).

      I definitely get crafters block, sometimes I have no idea of what to make, but that tends to pass.
      Often the block comes from pressure. Pressure I put on myself to have something to make and show for the blog, or pressure because I may only have a spare hour or so, and I want to use the time effectively.

      Inspiration usually comes from checking out other peoples makes, so Pinterest, Ravelry and Facebook forums provide a great source of inspiration. Looking at other peoples makes tend to set a spark off and start the ideas ball rolling.
      I hope that answers your question Thommy?

    2. I enjoyed myself with the four of you (included lionhead)in chatty mood on the bed. I allready followed Matts blog, According to.., and liked it very much, especially the thin and delicate shawl of flowers out of a Japanese book. Maybe someday you have the courage to do a remake or someting like that in English of the pattern. It's nice to know you two a little bit better. I'm more of a quilter, but I love to crochet and knit too. Saw you on Instagram. Sharing is fun, Maria

    3. Thanks Maria!
      Indeed sharing is fun!
      Thanks for sticking by us and supporting both this blog as well as "according to Matt". I'd love to make something with the Japanese flowers again! You've somewhat inspired me! x

  2. All three of you are adorable, but I must confess. I like Poppy the best. Except she can't crochet...

    1. Whaaaat!!! You like Poppy the best!!!??!!!
      Honestly I don't really blame you, she is a rather cute! xxx

  3. Loved your video. Was great meeting you guys in person (sort of!). My dog was especially besotted with Poppy. Although Poppy is much better behaved!! Look forward to the next video. Have a good week both. :0) xx

    1. Thanks Emma! I'm glad you enjoyed meeting us! At least now people can put a face and a voice to the blogposts. Sounds like Poppy has an admirer! Have a smashing week also! xx

  4. Hey There,

    i really enjoyed watching your video and the time just flew by. I liked the fact that you have been showing some older work and some projects you are currently working on. I´m really looking forward what Matt is creating with the adorable rainbow coloured yarn.
    The idea with the Toadstools on the branches in the backround is to cute, i think i need to copy this idea for spring decoration and put up there some crochet flowers or something colourful and cheery. :-)

    Do you guys have a lot of your crochet Art as decoration in your home?

    Keep going,stay healthy, cheery and creative!
    ou are great.
    greetings from Stuttgart

    1. Woooop!!! You're in Stuttgart also!
      We are glad that you enjoyed seeing some of our older projects as well as getting to know what is currently on our hook.
      Honestly I'm struggling a little as to what to make with the rainbow coloured yarn. I'm thinking a round cushion but haven't yet found or come up with a design that best showcases the colours.
      The toadstools are a fun little feature and add a pinch of magic to out simple little bedroom.
      Thanks for taking the time to write to us, it means a lot!

  5. Liked your video but sorry found it too long, maybe 20 mins max? Really good to see your projects and I know what you mean about having more than one project on the go. I 'm making a ripple blanket at the moment and have some knitting as well for a change. Looking forward to seeing all your new projects, your blog is always lovely to read and the photos are great.
    Good Luck with your new venture.
    Ps Poppy is really cute!

    1. Hey Louise! Thanks for the feed back. Yes I agree that the video was probably a little too long, we just wanted to take our time and before we new it we had chit chatted away for over half an hour. We will make them shorter for the future, like little bite sized chunks of chat.
      Oooooh you're making a ripple blanket! We love a good ripple!
      Thanks for taking the time to leave us a comment, it really means a lot! xxx

  6. I would like to make the mermaid. Is there a link to that?

    LOVE the lion head. Love your puppy!

  7. So enjoyed being in bed with you two!
    I know what you mean about "fuddy duddy" crochet - I almost feel embarrassed sometimes telling people what I do and grab my phone to show them pictures of the cool stuff I make! Am about to start making some Viking horns ready for a Eurovision party with it being held in Sweden, last year I crocheted beards for everyone in honour of Conchita- went down very well!
    Would you consider doing some reviews of yarns? - would be interesting to see which ones you favour and which you don't recommend.
    looking forward to the next video!

    yours with love and a big kiss on the nose for the real star of the show
    Susan x

    1. Hey Sash!!! It was lovely having you in our bed!!!! LOL! The crocheted beards sound amazing!!!! I've actually performed as a Conchita double a couple of times over the last year! If you search on YouTube for Rise Like a Phoenix Dennis Marquez you'll see me sing it ;-)

      Also we would totally consider doing Yarn Reviews! That's a great idea. The problem with that sometimes is though, that we have a limited selection of yarn here in Germany and lots of stuff we buy, is not available abroad. However, it's still interesting to learn about new yarns, and discover what else is out there!

      We'll make sure Poppy gets that kiss!!!
      xxxx Dennis

    2. Wow! just watched and you're amazing! what a voice - I am so in awe of your crafting talent I forgot that you have a real job! I hope you'll be singing an intro for the next video now - what about "Wool you still love me tomorrow" , or something by Wool-i-am??


  8. I watched your vlog during my lunch break. While I thought it could have been a little shorter I was never bored. Some things I really like are answering questions that you get, both personal and crochet related, showing some of your awesome projects, and the book reviews. I also enjoyed getting to know more about you both. I had been following you both on Instagram for a while and am now following you on Facebook. The only thing I would like to see sprinkled in is maybe some knitting related things. I crochet, but I also knit and pattern or book reviews would be something I would also be interested in. I thought you did a great job on your first vlog and I look forward to seeing more.

    1. Hey Loretta!!! Thanks so much for your comment!!! We love to answer questions as well and already since posting this video, we have about 10 times the amount of questions for the next VLOG! You are totally right about featuring knitting stuff. Dennis is the one who knits so I'm sure he can feature some of his work and talk about patterns he likes! Thanks again for your lovely comment!!! xxx

  9. Loved the video, it was like having tea with friends! Maybe crochet colorful baskets with your new yarn to put stuff in?

    1. Hello! What a lovely comment you wrote! And thanks for the great idea bout the colourful baskets! We'll put that on our to do list! xxx

  10. I loved meeting you both, I finished off a crochet project whilst watching. I never enjoy the sewing in ends part so you were a delightful distraction. I did not find your vlog too long, you kept the pace snappy and I liked that you addressed a variety of topics. keep up the great work, looking forward to visiting your store one day!! You both are every bit as cute as Poppy. :)

    1. Hey Louise! Thanks for watching us and I think it's great that you managed to get stuff done whilst watching us! Sewing in those ends can be quite tedious and boring otherwise! Thanks again and we're looking forward to the next one as well!!! xxx

  11. Hello, Dennis and Matt!
    Thank you for your awesome vlog post. I've been following you for quite a while, starting with According to Matt and moving here in the end. Unfortunately, I'm that silent reader who reads all but hardly comments. But today is a different day.
    First, you are absolutely amazing, guys! (shh, Poppy, don't tell them, but you're my favourite, xo) The video required 2 mugs of tea, but didn't seem long. Your projects are really cool and it was very interesting to see them scaled to the real you. I've never thought the Lion's head was that big! Wow! And I've a question for you :) I know that many crocheters who design their own pieces make items mostly from their own designs. But you share this thingy with me and crochet from other designers' patterns, as well. What experiences does it give you? Is it educational, relaxing, fun?
    Thank you!
    Big hugs,

    1. Hello Anastasiya! Thanks so much for your message! I'm so happy you came 'out of silence' and are writing to us! Yeah the Lion's head is absolutely GINORMOUS! That's why it's so hard finding a good place for him at the moment! Our apartment isn't very big so it's a bit tricky! We'll make sure to feature you question in our next videos!!! Oh and Poppy feels like the queen of the world now, knowing she's your favourite ;-) xxxx

  12. Hi guys, I really enjoyed the vlog (love how my autocorrect made that 'clog'!) and I didn't think it was too long, it was nice to get to know you. I was watching while trying to write an amigurumi pattern but I kept losing count as you were too interesting! Here's my question. ..if you're writing a pattern how much testing do you do? Seems to me this is a very tricky art. I've created an amigurumi version of our charity logo character and now I need to write the pattern, but am finding it difficult. Any tips? Thanks! Looking forward to the next vlog. .
    Claire C

  13. Love love LOVE this!! I don't usually comment on blogs, but I have to this time! Such fun getting to know you guys a little bit better through this! One thing I'd like is to hear you guys sing! :) Please do NOT make the next video shorter! Your chit chatty video kept me company on a quiet day at work and brightened my whole day! You three are adorable and you most certainly ARE "crochet super-stars!" God bless. :) - Your Fellow Crochet Addict from the States.

    1. Hello Fellow Crochet Addict!!! Thanks so much for your comment!!! Oh noooooo we're definitely not going to sing in our next vlog! Well, we'll see... but don't count on it ;-) Wow, we're getting more and more comments of people saying the length was actually perfect! We've also received lots and lots of questions, so making it shorter might not even be an option!!! Thanks for making us feel like super stars!!! xxx Dennis

  14. Hi Guys and how fabulous to hear you!! Matt, you sound exactly the way I expected, but I'd forgotten that Dennis would have an accent, which is lovely by the way. Suddenly you've become real people, if you know what I mean. I've followed your According to Matt blog for a long time and was sad to see it go. But your new format is fabulous! I wish I could have watched the whole of your video but as I know live on a canal boat free and fast internet is a thing of the past, so I'll watch the full video next time I'm somewhere with free wifi 😊 Keep up the great work 😀😀 Carol xx

  15. I enjoyed your first vlog so much !!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next one !
    And especially for Dennis : je hebt het ook helemaal geweldig gedaan !

    1. Hey Annick!!! Thanks so much for watching!!! We're also very exciting about making the next one! We had such a good time making it! En natuurlijk lieve groetjes en een dikke kus!!!!! xxxx

  16. Hello Matt and Dennis & Poppy, too! I wouldn't change a thing! I truly felt like I was visiting you in your home and having a chat. I have followed According to Matt but never commented and was sad to see it end but I am so happy for you on your new ventures! I am not a crafter but admire those who can create such works of art. I do have several quilts that my aunt made and I cherish them as she passed 5 years ago. Can't wait to get to know you both better. :-) I could sit and listen to you all day-love the accents! <3 Laura from upstate New York

  17. Thank you!!! Yes, a few people have asked about our photographs so we will definitely talk that through at some point.
    We are busy working on an online shop, it's tricky though trying to plan what is "doable" for us whilst balancing our full time jobs. A real life shop is the dream though, I would just love that!!! x

  18. Hallo Jacq!!! Heel erg bedankt voor het kijken!!! Dikke kus en groetjes :-) xxx (en we hebben zelf ook al zin in de volgende!!!)

  19. What a great vlog (actually the first I've ever bothered watching to the end!)
    You guys are super - I had just made myself a cuppa, so it was like sitting down to have a chin wag with a friend :D Happy smiley faces all round!

    1. Hello there!!! Thank you so much for watching the entire thing!!! It's so fun to hear when people actually sat down with a 'cuppa' to watch us! Happy smiley face back to you! xxx

  20. Hello Matt and Dennis, I really enjoyed watching your vlog. I watched it on the tv whilst having coffee and toast and doing a bit of crochet and did not find it too long at all. Arne and Carlos have started doing videos too recently. Their videos are quite hap-hazard and I like that style. I would like to see more of your home and more of the everyday clutter that surrounds a yarnies home. The lions head is amazing and I think you both have a bright, creative future ahead....exciting times! Enjoy your day, Andrea from UK
