Welcome to Boys & Bunting

The boys from Boys & Bunting would like to wish you all a
We hope that 2016 brings you a year of colour, craft and creativity!

Along with the ticking over of the new year, we are jumping with full force into our brand new website.
We've been working awfully hard over the last couple of months to get everything spic and span as we awaited your arrival. If you're into crafting as much as we are, we think that you are going to love what we've come up with!

Boys & Bunting began about 6 months ago with the concept of the two of us (Dennis and Matt) joining together to create a space that combined all of the things that we love: Interaction with fellow crafters, informative tutorials and patterns, regular blog posts and all of that in a fun and light hearted environment.
We hope that boysandbunting.com is the kind of place you will want to stop by and visit often, with a hot cup of tea and a plate of cookies as you browse over our colourful pages. We also hope that we can create a space that is a little more personal, a space where you can get to know the real us and put a face to the names.

Blood, sweat and tears have gone into the making of Boys & Bunting, but it's definitely been worth the hard work.
We are especially proud of our brand spanking new CROCHET LIBRARY, a useful resource for the "newbie" crocheter, as well as old time "hookers".
It contains tons of handy video tutorials, plus lots of tips and tricks that will surely bring out your inner crochet star.
The Crochet Library will be a constant work in progress and will frequently be updated with new techniques and exciting (and ever so fancy) stitches.
Entrance to the Crochet Library is free and we're open 24/7, just remember to bring your Library books back on time!

Being the modern boys that we are, we can also be found on these rather clever social media platforms. So why not follow us to get all of the latest Boys & Bunting insights.

This is just the beginning of what we hope will not only be a successful collaboration, but also a superbly smashing year for all of us!


  1. Whoo Hoo! lots of good luck with your new venture! Looks fabulous already xxx

  2. The site looks great. I will be coming back when I have more time. I am a big fan!

  3. Great to see you back - I had been checking your other blog since August and feeling quite sad that you had gone away. I assumed you were working hard - and indeed you have been :) Happy New Year to you both xx

    1. Thanks Mary
      Sorry to have kept you waiting, the break turned out to be a little longer than anticipated. :-/
      We are back now though and raring to go! I'm glad you like our new venture.
      Happy New Year to you also!!

  4. You're up at last, I have been checking all day! So glad I came across According to Matt, it's really helping me to get back into crochet, you're instructions are really detailed. I'm looking forward to checking in for ideas!

    1. The plan was to be up and running this morning....a few technical glitches though. :-(
      I'm glad according to matt helped you to get back into crocheting. Hopeful Boys & Bunting will inspire just as much.
      Happy New Year to you! Matt x

  5. Hey Nadine! We hope that this can be your new happy place. Of course it's going to take a little second to build up some content, but hopefully we will get there! Thanks for the support! Matt x

  6. Thanks Annick! Yes it was important to both of us to keep it a fun and happy space to visit. It's going to be similar to accordingtomatt, it was just a case of wanted to start something new. It's fresh chapter with turning of the new year seems like a great time to start something new), plus i get to work on it with Dennis!
    Thanks for taking the time to leave comment! Happy New Year to you! Matt x

  7. Good luck with the new site. It looks great! I look forward to reading about your crafty adventures. :)

  8. Happy to see the new blog up and running, I too have missed the cheery chat on the old site. Wishing you both all the best with the new venture, I look forward to seeing what you both get up to!

  9. Happy new year and good luck with the new site. I have always enjoyed According to Matt and it's good to see you're both taking on something together. I can not wait to see what creative happiness you both bring, Lisa x

    1. Happy new Year! Something together is rather exciting, plus you'll get a totally different crafting perspective from Dennis. So hopefully it'll have similarities of accordingtomatt, plus much more! WOOOOOP!! xxx

  10. Thanks Elaine! We hope to keep the jolly tone of accordingtomatt, we think its pretty essential to create a "happy place". We both wish you a happy and rather spectacular 2016 also! xx

  11. Loving your new combined site and it looks gorgeous just like your creations! Anne x

    1. Thanks Anne! We have lots planned for Boy & Bunting and hope that it's as well received as accordingtomatt was. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, it really means a lot to us both! xxx

  12. So, so happy you're back. I've been a fan of According to Matt for a long time, and I've missed you greatly. Congratulations to both of you on the new website. It looks fantastic. Warmest best wishes to both of you, as well. And many blessings in the New Year.

  13. super dat jullie terug zijn. ik volgde jullie graag met mooie en frisse werk(jes).
    hoe gaat het met jullie hondje?

    1. Hallo! Heel erg bedankt voor de reactie! Met Poppy (ons Hondje) gaat het super! Ze is nog steeds ontzettend schattig en klein! Matt ontdekte net dat hij best goed Nederlands lezen kan aangezien hij de zin over de hond begreep! xxx

  14. Eek,so excited (jumping up and down) I have missed you. Can't wait to follow again xx
