
Hello everybody!
Let me first start by saying a great big THANK YOU!!!
As you all know, with the passing of 2015, Matt and I launched Boys & Bunting. The site has only been up and running for the past few days, but we have gotten some great responses and a lot of support from you guys. It really means a lot to both of us to receive so many well wishes and tons of encouragement. So thank you to each and every one of you.

As for the past few days... My week has gotten off to a smashing start and I do hope yours is going just as splendidly?
For a lot of people I imagine that today was probably the first real day of getting back into the swing "normal life" after the Christmas break. It's tricky when the holidays are over and that magical buzz of the new year starts to fade. That's why it's mega important for us to jump on the "New Year, New Me" slogan and use the fresh dose of New Year energy to maximum effect!

I'm putting my New Years energy into focusing on getting back in shape. I've been trying my best to get back to the gym and so far succeeded. I am however putting the fact that I've lost a few pounds down to the fact that I've been crocheting up a frenzy!! Seriously....us crocheters should bring out a fitness video!

My latest project takes inspiration from the fact that Matt and I have been getting back into posting, tweeting and sharing on social media.
It's a project that I made a little while ago, but finally sat down over the past days to tweak the design. I wanted to make it as perfect as possible, not to mention find the time to write down the guidelines for a pattern.

The project is based upon Instagram, the photo sharing app. It's a rather fun pincushion, based upon the logo of the app.
It took me a little bit of browsing around before I really found the correct colours of yarn to use for this project. I finally settled for Universal, by Wolle Rödel in a nice beige, dark brown and black.

Once I had my yarn sorted, I got to work! I made sure to work through my design carefully, taking it nice and slow so that I could work the rows nice and neat, making sure I noted every detail.

This dk weight yarn, along with a 4mm crochet hook meant that my work was nice and tight. The changes in colour contrasted well with one another and made for the starts of a rather striking Instagram logo.

Once I was finished with the design of the main body, I worked up some logo detailing by embroidering scraps of cotton to the front of the pin cushion.

I stitched the lens to the main section of the pin cushion. It was really starting to take shape and started to look just like a camera.

Not too bad eh? Now I just needed to sew the back to the pin cushion and stuff it firmly with toy stuffing.

Of course I couldn't let the opportunity of having a camera at hand pass me by...

I'm rather chuffed with the outcome of this pattern and hope that you guys like it also. If you fancy making your very own Instagram pin cushion, then pop on over to our #instapincushion Pattern Page where you can purchase the pattern.

Also we'd love to see you what you are up to on your Instagram profiles, so why not find us on Instagram leaving us a little note and we'll come and see what you've been up to.
Until next time!!!



  1. Absolute wonderful!!!!
    By the way....how is your little cutie dog? Miss the puppy

  2. Thanks Mandy!!! We are so happy that you are enjoying our makes, lots more crafts inspiration to come!!! Thanks once again for taking the time to leave a comment. xxx

  3. Love your new site!! Chiara and I are on a mini break and we went shopping in a gorgeous village called Nailsworth... We found a lovely little shop called Mother Goose and stocked up on crochet hooks and wool. You have inspired us xxx

    1. Thanks Bridget! How's the crocheting coming along?
      I just had a look on the Mother Goose website, it looks like the sort of place I'd love! Lots of yummy yarn and peg dolls.....what's not to love? xxx

  4. Love yor new site and your patterns! Already made 2 spiral cushions as pesents for xmas and people love them. keep going.

    1. Glad you're liking the new site! Great that you made some spiral cushions already, did you take any pictures of them? Maybe you could share them on our show and tell page, we'd love to see what you've been up to! x
