In Bed With Boys & Bunting: Episode 4

Hello Lovelies!
We do hope you are all having a marvellous start to May?
So happy that it's starting to brighten up and more often than not the sun has got his hat on!
We're back with another "In Bed With Boys & Bunting!!"
So go grab your current project, a massive mug of tea and join us as we natter away for the next half an hour or so!

Some Links and Info from Episode 4

Matt finished off his turquoise baby blanket. What a "life saver" blocking is!!!
He's really happy with how it turned out and over the next weeks will (hopefully be able to) figure out a pattern for this cute little blanket.
For those of you that are interested and may have missed the post, here's Matt's post with all of the information about the blanket.

Our current W.I.P!
We are working on this blanket together and making tons and tons of cotton squares to join together.
We haven't quite decided how we are going to join them yet, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated?
We are very excited with how this blanket is coming along, It's so nice to be working on a project together!

Dennis' spot of D.I.Y has produced a rather fun and functional little gizmo for blocking our Granny Squares. It's perfect for blocking many squares at once and doubles up as an easy way to store the squares, until we join them.
Dennis will write up the details of how he made his "Granny Square blocking device" over the next days, so that you to can join the perfectly formed Granny Square revolution!!

You may have noticed that the "Granny Square blocking thingy" is the same colour as the chair in our bedroom. That's because Dennis used the left over paint from this chairs upcycle. To read all about the transformation of our beloved bedroom chair, you can follow the link here.

Finally Dennis asked the "BIG" question and Matt said a whopping great "YES!"
I guess we'd better get crocheting....perhaps something like this crocheted wedding bouquet that we made for our friends wedding? Or a little ring carrying harness for Poppy to wear? Oh the possibilities are endless!!! :-)

We hope that you enjoyed our fourth instalment of "In Bed with Boys and Bunting"?! If you have questions that you would like to see featured in future episodes then simply send us a quick note.
Also if you like what you're seeing in our Youtube videos, don't forget to subscribe. This way you'll be notified when we next upload a vlog episode or tutorial.

Unitl next time...


  1. Awww, how sweet and romantic! Congratulations you guys!!! :) <3

  2. Aw Congratulations you two! Can you imagine if we all turned up for the wedding? Would be so good though! Will it be like Stamford and Anthony's wedding in Sex and the City??!!
    Can't stop smiling now - it's nice to follow peoples lives through their blogs and share the happiness, sending you love and best wishes for a long life together in wedded bliss!

    Susan xxx

  3. That was a sweet and lovely proposal! Congratulations to both of you!

  4. Must make myself one of the granny square blockers. How clever!

    Congratulations on your engagement, and thanks for sharing it with us!

  5. Congrats you guys! It was so romantic and wonderful! And Dennis remembering everything from your first date? How cool is that! I wish you a long and happy life together! xoxo

  6. Congratulations!!! I think I squeaked a little when I read that! (just like goosefairy- and I am also at work hahaha) I am so happy for the 2 of you!! :) xoxo

  7. Whoopie....I'm so happy for you both!! Loved your Episode 4...course I love them all! The baby blanket is beautiful and I love that blocking board (sighing with envy). Hope you have a wonderful week!

  8. Aww how exciting and lovely. Denise you old romantic you! Love it, can't wait to see all the wedding preparation it will be just perfect. Congratulations you to both. Xx

  9. Wow! How amazing for you both. I had tears in my eyes watching 'The Proposal'. Make you feel my love is my most favourite song. So many congratulations to you both. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. xxx

  10. Woooohooooo so excited for both of you!!! The baby blanket is gorgeous and am looking forward to the details on the blocking 'device' - I really like the looks of that!!!

  11. You guys are so cute together! Congratulations! I love reading your blog. Lots of good ideas.

  12. Yay!!! SOOOO happy for you both! May you both have many wonderful years of memories and lots of love to share.
    Thank you for sharing your lives with everyone. I simply can't wait for the wedding :) <3
    Laura B.

  13. Congratulations! My daughter just got engaged, so I am looking forward to your wedding inspiration! I want to knit/crochet something for the wedding, but I have no idea what, and of course, my daughter and future son-in-law have to approve. I love Dennis' blocking tool. I am definitely going to ask my husband to make that for me. Once again, thank you both for sharing your talents and passions with us.

    With gratitude,

  14. Congratulations and best wishes to you both! I hope you will share details of the preparations here on the blog

  15. It's so obvious that the two of you were destined to be together. Congrats and I hope you let us know where we can send gifts! Kirk Crosby - Dothan, Alabama, USA (Lifelong Fellow Crocheter Specializing in Amigurumi & Follower of

  16. Wishing you both much Joy and Happiness, you are such a beautiful couple. Elle

  17. Have you made your pretty white granny squares into a blanket yet please.
