Candles à la Jo Malone!

Hello everyone!

Ok, so this post is not yarn related in any way. If you came here to read about colourful crochet projects, I'm really sorry! I promise you there will be PLENTY colourful happy crochet projects on this page in the near future, but for now I can't give you any of that.

I CAN however show you my latest creations! Which are almost as awesome as a crochet project!

Here's my story:

As you guys know, I'm Dutch. Us Dutch people, are known for being stingy and we love to save a buck (or euro) wherever we can. Now are you guys familiar with the Jo Malone candles? I first read about them in one of the Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella (GO READ THEM NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T YET!). I didn't know what the fuzz was about, until I smelled some of them in in the shop. Let's be honest, the smell heavenly, I absolutely can't deny that. Neither can you ;-). But have you looked at the price tag? I'm not saying that it's not worth the money, maybe it totally is, but I can't really afford to buy them on a monthly basis. In fact, I've never purchased one in my life, neither have I been gifted one (in case my parents read along: hint hint).

So what did I do? I decided to make my own candles! I was sure there would be plenty tutorials online and of course I wasn't disappointed. There they were: YouTube videos, blog posts, picture tutorials and so on... From all the information I collected, I decided to make Soy Wax candles. I read lots of good stuff about them:

They burn cleaner, have no toxins, carcinogens or pollutants. There's no petrol-carbon soot like you would get from petroleum-based paraffin candles. They are also longer lasting. Soy wax burns cooler which means that you can enjoy your soy wax candle for generally 30-50% longer than a paraffin candle!

What's not to love?! I purchased my Soy Wax from Amazon

I also ordered some wicks and perfume oils from Scentperfique in the UK. The reason I ended up ordering from this website, is because they did perfume oils in the style of other famous perfumes, like some of the Jo Malone scents, but also from other perfume brands. The scent I absolutely adore from Jo Malone is Pomegranate Noir. Scentperfique have a very similar perfume oil which is called Black Pomegranate.

I'm telling you, I can't smell the difference between this one and the original. I also ordered a perfume oil called Black Orchid which also smells absolutely divine. (We were not sponsored by this website by the way!!)

I also purchased some whiskey glasses from our supermarket, which came in a pack of 3 for €2,50 which was not too bad. They hold about 200 ml, which is a good size I figured. I didn't want to make a lot of candles on my first try, so I decided to use only 1 of those glasses, and 3 tiny little glasses I had lying around.

So, how to do it you might ask?

First of all you have to weigh out the amount of wax you need for your container. They way I did it was by filling my glass with water and weighing the amount of water. I deduced that by 20% and that should be the amount of wax you're going to need.

You then weight out the amount of wax and melt it using the double boiler method (or in my case, a bowl on top of a pan with water). Once the wax has reached about 80 degrees Celsius you can take it off the stove, add the perfume oil, and let it cool to around 57 degrees.


In the meantime, you should have already prepared your glasses by placing the wicks inside. I used a dot of hot glue, and centered the wicks in my glasses. I also made sure the top of the wick would stay in place, by using two wooden skewers per glass which i tied together on each side with some yarn. You place the wick in between, and pull it upwards and to the center. Now they're ready to be filled!

Apparently it's important to pour the wax around 55 to 60 degrees Celsius, to prevent a sink hole in the middle of your candle. It's also important to pour slow, but steady, so that you don't introduce air bubbles or splash the sides of your glass. It went pretty well I must say, although the small candles were a little harder to fill, since I didn't have a proper pouring jug for my wax. I poured it straight out of the big bowl, which was my own stupid fault. I did get all 3 little glasses filled, so I was happy! It all smelled soooooo good!!! I used Black Pomegranate for the big glass, and Black Orchid for the three small ones.

Now the waiting started! It gave me time to make myself a nice Cafe Latte from our new espresso machine. We always had an espresso machine but it broke down a couple of years ago and we never got round to buying a new one. The reason was as well, that the one we had wasn't being sold anymore which was a pity! I decided to have a look on eBay and found lots of sellers!!! It's so nice to have one again, since we can steam our own milk, grind the beans ourselves (we have a fancy grinder as well) and make beautiful coffee creations! I used to be a Barista before I got my first job in musical theatre and always took great pride in making my coffees as perfect as possible! I even learned how to make some basic Latte Art and it turns out I haven't forgotten how to make it!!! How fancy ;-)

By now the candles were starting to set, which went really really fast. They started out as this yellow see through liquid, then became a little cloudy, and finally turned into this beautiful creamy white! I read that you have to wait a minimum of 24 hours though, so I couldn't light them yet, but at least I could admire my creations!


Here they are all finished and pretty:

I think they look absolutely perfect!!!

It's the next day right now and I'm sitting behind my laptop with the big candle next to me which is burning now. I took a quick snapshot for proof:

It smells lovely, but isn't overpowering at all. The flame is very stable and calm. My first candle!!!! So very proud!!! I can't wait to try the small ones as well! I might just light one in the bathroom tomorrow before I take my shower!

Poppy had a lovely day today, as we met a good friend of mine who has a little doggy as well. Her dog's name is Hayley and she's the same breed as Poppy. She's actually the reason we bought Poppy! We used to babysit Hayley from time to time, and fell in love with this breed (Bolonka Zwetna). We took a nice long stroll around the "Bärensee" here in Stuttgart. The weather wasn't amazing, but it was still nice being outside. We stopped at a nice little restaurant where we were allowed to take our dogs inside and enjoyed a cup of coffee and some homemade cakes! A lovely afternoon it was!

I've been sitting behind my laptop blogging for quite some time now and just realised that it's completely dark here except for my "Dennis 'Malone' Marquez" candle and the light from my laptop. I keep getting wafts of that lovely scent and I feel totally happy.

I hope you're all having a lovely week! Have you guys ever made candles before? Let me know below, you might even have some more tips for me!



  1. Ooh Dennis Malone candles! can see them in the shops already! aren't they a bit naked though? Could they do with some crocheted covers??!!
    I've been making bath bombs, I was paying so much for them and it turns out that they're ridiculously easy to make - lots of advice and recipes on Pinterest. I'll have to have a go at candles now, then I'll have Christmas pressies all sorted!

    Lots of love
    Susan x

    1. Hey Susan! I'm totally with you on the candles looking naked! I was way to impatient to crochet some little covers for them, I just wanted to share it with you guys as fast as I could! You're right though, I think they could do with either some crochet or some natural twine tied around them, with a little crochet embellishment glued onto that. So many possibilities!!! Thanks for the tip on the bath bombs!!! We don't have a bathtub ourselves, otherwise I probably would have made some already! Definitely try the candle making! It's so fast and easy to do! Good luck!! xxx

  2. Oooooo.... You are so my kind of people, I now need to do some candles, my husband will totally loose it as I am a jack of all trades and master of none and my house will soon need an extension to accommodate my crochet, card making, salt dough, sewing, cake decorating and baking stuff. Oh well, I never get bored. Love to you both xxxx

    1. You must be my twin.... I'm a nightmare when it comes to choosing a craft. I simply can't. Every week I seem to have a new hobby! Our house is way to small for everything I'd like to do! I need a candle making room, a soap making room, a yarn room, another yarn room and maybe another yarn room. Did I mention we need yarn rooms? ;-) Lots of love! xxx

  3. Not even tried soap making, on the top of all my tuff crates is a load of stuff ready to have a go at cold porcelain - I dare you to look this up on Pinterest! Lots of love x

    1. Hey Fuzzika! I looked it up and it looks awesome! But I think I can control myself to start it, there literally is NO more place for stuff here. Although, that's what I always say, and somehow I keep starting new crafts ;-) xxx

  4. Ha Ha! I've got needle felting stuff, clay and fabric and enough buttons and ribbon to start a shop - I NEED them!

    now... cold porcelain? If anyone needs me I'll be on Pinterest!


    1. Hey Sash!!! Needle felting is something I still want to try, Matt has already done some and I'm intrigued to try it as well! You can never have enough crafting supplies because whenever you start a new project, you will always find out that you're missing certain things to make it! (crafting is sooooo expensive!!!). Good luck with your thousand crafts ;-) xxx

  5. Gorgeous Dennis! I was gifted a beautiful big 'Wavertree & London' (Australian company- Ironicly named) soy candle for my birthday last year scented 'Japanese Plum'. Just exquisite! It was quite expensive so I have been thinking about also finding the scent and buying some soy wax melts to make my own. Im definitely going to make some now!

    1. Hi there!!! That candle sounds exquisite! I love expensive smelling (yes, expensive is a scent ;-)) candles. Definitely try and make your own, it's so quick and fun to make!!!! xxx

  6. Hey Teresa! You roll beeswax candles? I didn't even know candles could be rolled! That sounds like great fun, but probably needs a bit of skill! And you're right about the jar jackets, it would look lovely!!! xxx

  7. Candle making was a big thing in the late 70s when I was a young married mom. We had molds; I remember a mushroom, an owl, even a sun shape. Cool artistic project. I can see your white candles with lovely flower petals inside near the edge of the glass. I don't know how you get them to stay as you pour the wax but shells, small beads, pebbles and colorful petals give the candles a very distinct look.

    1. Hello Lynda! Thanks for your comment! The idea with the petals is really quite interesting! Thanks for the great idea. And how lovely to hear about your 'vintage' candle making, using different molds as well! I chose the easy way with my glass containers ;-) Have a lovely weekend!!! xx

  8. Help. Made candles which are amazing and smell so beautiful. Overnight one developed large air bubbles around lower edge. Any suggestions please what l might have done wrong before l start my second batch. Great blog, enjoy following Boys and Bunting x

  9. Hey there! Thanks so much for commenting!!! We have a Saeco Aroma. They are not being sold anymore, so you would have to get them second hand. It's one of those machines with a portafilter! Have a lovely day! xxx

  10. Hello Tracey! Do you mean perfume oil? Or the wax? I decided to do a 10 to 1 ratio of wax to perfume oil. Or think of it as 10% of the weight of wax in perfume oil. Hope that helps! xxx
