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Three Blind Mice

Hello Lovelies!

Zebra Head

Oooh hello there!!
It's been a little while since I last got around to posting, but Dennis has definitely been holding down the fort!
I've been so insanely busy at work, working up to our opening night here in Oberhausen Germany. Work has been occupying every ounce of energy I have, so it has been insanely important


Chunky Doily!

Hello lovelies!

As a crocheter, it is my duty to crochet as much as I can and start as many projects as I can without finishing the ones I was working on. That's how I role. That's just the kind of crocheter I am. 
You might be reading this and thinking, nope, not me,  LIAR! All it takes sometimes, is a little look on Pinterest, to make you forget all about what you were working on! Yes, Pinterest is a dangerous place to be for a crocheter. If you don't have any self control, you'll never finish a project in your life!

Got my faux fur rug!

Now, in my case, things aren't that bad. I still manage to pop out some actual finished items from time to time! Which is what I did yesterday! I was walking through the city with our little Pops (I call Poppy: Pops from time to time, I'm that kind of a dog owner) on the lookout for some nice props for all the photos we take of our work. My mind was set on a faux fur sheepskin rug or something like that. You know how whenever you need something, and you think you've seen it in every shop, they don't sell it anywhere?! Well, it was one of those days.

Book Review - Learn To Crochet Love To Crochet

Hello everybody!

Today we're featuring our very first Book Review! It's quite exciting as it's something we've never done before! We were contacted by the publishers of this book a while back, asking if we were interested in reviewing this book and we thought it would be a great idea!
We LOVE crochet books as they are a great inspiration to us! There will always be some patterns in there that trigger your desire to crochet something! New yarns to discover, new stitch patterns, you name it!

Now just because we were sent this book, doesn't mean we were paid to say certain things about it! We wouldn't feel right about saying things we don't fully stand behind.
The book we're reviewing is "Learn to Crochet, Love to Crochet" by Anna Wilkinson.